This magical village in our embroidery design set lies hidden in a snow-covered valley, where every resident plays an important role in creating the festive atmosphere. The church bell calls...
This set of free standing lace Christmas ornament embroidery designs brings together four timeless designs: a poinsettia, a Christmas tree, a bell, and a heart. Each ornament is crafted with...
These beautiful Christmas ball-shaped embroidery designs bring elegance and a festive spirit to your home. Inspired by the delicate beauty of winter flowers, they’re perfect for creating unique Christmas gifts...
Enhance your embroidery projects with our beautifully crafted ITH keychain embroidery design set, created to complement the elegant Noble Animals series. You can create each design in two versions—either with eyelets...
Bring a touch of elegance and strength to your projects with our Noble Animals embroidery designs. Featuring a majestic wolf, lion, eagle, and horse, each surrounded by an elegant border,...
We have collected our cute seagull keychain made last year and its pair made this year into a set. This way, you can purchase both keychain designs together at a...
We designed our ITH glasses case embroidery designs using two types of materials, both carefully selected for their quality and functionality. We exclusively chose non-woven materials to prevent fraying of...
Our Baby Blanket Sea Animals embroidery design set is perfect for adding a splash of fun to baby items with 22 charming designs, including a whale, crab, jellyfish, and seahorse....
This unique embroidery design set not only unleashes your creativity but also carries an important message: love is for everyone, and no matter what form it takes, it is valuable...