The final installment of our popular seasonal wreath series is here! Following the success of our autumn, winter, and spring embroidery designs, the summer wreath is now ready. With its...
Wir haben eine kleinere Version unseres charmanten Möwen-Stickdatei erstellt, geeignet für einen 4×4 Rahmen. Dieses Stickdatei ist in zwei Versionen erhältlich. Die erste ist eine 2D-Stickdatei, die es ermöglicht, am...
We have created a smaller version of our two charming seagull embroidery design, suitable for a 4×4 hoop size. This design is available in two versions. The first is a...
Wir haben ein spezielles Stickdatei für Wanddekorationen erstellt, das zwei Möwen zeigt, die innerhalb eines Schiffssteuerrads Boot fahren und sich gegenseitig grüßen. Das Produkt enthält vier verschiedene Dateien, die eine...
We have created a special embroidery design for wall decoration featuring two seagulls boating and greeting each other within a ship's wheel frame. The product includes four different files, allowing...
We have collected our cute seagull keychain made last year and its pair made this year into a set. This way, you can purchase both keychain designs together at a...
The pair to our popular seagull keychain has arrived in our online store. Make your next seafaring project complete with the Seagull No. 2 ITH keychain embroidery design. This classic...
We designed our ITH glasses case embroidery designs using two types of materials, both carefully selected for their quality and functionality. We exclusively chose non-woven materials to prevent fraying of...
This unique embroidery design set not only unleashes your creativity but also carries an important message: love is for everyone, and no matter what form it takes, it is valuable...